Master in War Journalism
The International Geopolitics Reporters Association (I.G.R.A.) is an international association of ambassadors, diplomats, journalists, writers, historians and other professionals specialized in geopolitics. Born in January 1990 the Association today has over 1.400 members in 75 world countries. Publishes various publications as "Geopolitics Report". Instituted in 2007 the Master in Geopolitics.
March 2025 -
July 2025
The main purposes of course are:
Give the students a high specialization in the war journalism;
Contribute to the development of specific skills relating to international relations;
Provide a comprehensive view of the work of war correspondent;
Allow the acquisition of theoretical tools related to other than journalistic professionalism, in order to provide added value to the investigative tools typical of the journalistic profession as the analysis of geo-economic, geo-political and international security scenarios.
The arguments of course are:
History of war journalism,
Elements of international politics,
Outlines of international law and humanitarian law,
Technical investigation (terrorism - humanitarian crises),
War journalism,
Journalistic writing techniques and storytelling,
The investigation,
Press officers and military communications,
Freelance Journalism,
The foreign agency,
Analysis of the sources,
Criminal systems (CO-Mafia scenarios esters)
Criminal systems (international terrorism),
Peacekeeping and International Conflict,
Geopolitical actors in the war zone: Private military companies,
Geo-economic scenarios.,
Introduction to geopolitics and geo-strategy,
Geopolitical scenarios of the twenty-first century,
The communication of NGOs,
Characters of photojournalism,
Television reporting,
Theory and Technique television investigation in the area of crisis
The master course (carried
on-line in e-learning mode) starts Friday with the first two lessons,
Then every friday students will recieve other two lessons
for a total of over 60 lessons.
All the applications must be sent with curriculum vitae. We accept only 25 students.
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